It's time for our Fall Track Event and Time Trial at Talladega Gran Prix Raceway October 6th and 7th and, new for this year, we're adding a TrackCross!
**Registration is open at
**Time Trial competitors without an AMB transponder and need to rent one for the weekend MUST get in touch with Tim at or call 803-732-0937, Let him know in advance since he will have to snail mail the transponder to you. PLEASE get the transponder number to registration so it may get to timing and scoring.
TrackCross- Essentially it's an Autocross on a race track but instead of tons of cones, the course is run between two points on the track. A few cones may be used on the course but if you drop a wheel off the track your run will be DNFed. Participants WILL NOT be required to work the course. **The TrackCross portion of the event will be run on Sunday from 12-5 and will cost $50 with an entry cap of 50 participants.** Volunteer for a worker position for the rest of the track weekend and receive a FREE ENTRY for the TrackCross (limit 10)! Convertibles will need factory roll-over protection or a roll bar.
Track Event- Run your own car on a real race track! We'll provide instructors for novices. **The Track Event will be run on Saturday only at a cost of $175**
Time Trial- SEDiv Time Trial Championship Event. You know the drill! Sunday will be a little different with the TT ending and 11AM. However, the Track Event will run only on Saturday so you'll get more runs on Sunday morning (when the track is fastest!!) than in the past.
Time Trials $315
TT and Instruct $175
Track Event $175
Track Event and Instruct $100
TrackCross $50
**Registration is open at
**Time Trial competitors without an AMB transponder and need to rent one for the weekend MUST get in touch with Tim at or call 803-732-0937, Let him know in advance since he will have to snail mail the transponder to you. PLEASE get the transponder number to registration so it may get to timing and scoring.
TrackCross- Essentially it's an Autocross on a race track but instead of tons of cones, the course is run between two points on the track. A few cones may be used on the course but if you drop a wheel off the track your run will be DNFed. Participants WILL NOT be required to work the course. **The TrackCross portion of the event will be run on Sunday from 12-5 and will cost $50 with an entry cap of 50 participants.** Volunteer for a worker position for the rest of the track weekend and receive a FREE ENTRY for the TrackCross (limit 10)! Convertibles will need factory roll-over protection or a roll bar.
Track Event- Run your own car on a real race track! We'll provide instructors for novices. **The Track Event will be run on Saturday only at a cost of $175**
Time Trial- SEDiv Time Trial Championship Event. You know the drill! Sunday will be a little different with the TT ending and 11AM. However, the Track Event will run only on Saturday so you'll get more runs on Sunday morning (when the track is fastest!!) than in the past.
Time Trials $315
TT and Instruct $175
Track Event $175
Track Event and Instruct $100
TrackCross $50