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Fall TGPR Event **Plus TrackCross**

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  • Fall TGPR Event **Plus TrackCross**

    It's time for our Fall Track Event and Time Trial at Talladega Gran Prix Raceway October 6th and 7th and, new for this year, we're adding a TrackCross!

    **Registration is open at

    **Time Trial competitors without an AMB transponder and need to rent one for the weekend MUST get in touch with Tim at or call 803-732-0937, Let him know in advance since he will have to snail mail the transponder to you. PLEASE get the transponder number to registration so it may get to timing and scoring.

    TrackCross- Essentially it's an Autocross on a race track but instead of tons of cones, the course is run between two points on the track. A few cones may be used on the course but if you drop a wheel off the track your run will be DNFed. Participants WILL NOT be required to work the course. **The TrackCross portion of the event will be run on Sunday from 12-5 and will cost $50 with an entry cap of 50 participants.** Volunteer for a worker position for the rest of the track weekend and receive a FREE ENTRY for the TrackCross (limit 10)! Convertibles will need factory roll-over protection or a roll bar.

    Track Event- Run your own car on a real race track! We'll provide instructors for novices. **The Track Event will be run on Saturday only at a cost of $175**

    Time Trial- SEDiv Time Trial Championship Event. You know the drill! Sunday will be a little different with the TT ending and 11AM. However, the Track Event will run only on Saturday so you'll get more runs on Sunday morning (when the track is fastest!!) than in the past.

    Time Trials $315
    TT and Instruct $175
    Track Event $175
    Track Event and Instruct $100
    TrackCross $50
    Delanie Calhoun
    '90 Spec Miata
    '13 Ford Focus ST

  • #2
    This is a good, creative way to make use of the "wasted" time Sunday afternoon when folks start to trickle (pour?) out after plenty of runs up to that point.

    I hope lots of people participate, because it sounds like fun.
    Chuck Schultz
    Another black(ish) Miata
    2007 Jetta GLI Fahrenheit or


    • #3
      Registration is open at
      Delanie Calhoun
      '90 Spec Miata
      '13 Ford Focus ST


      • #4
        Delanie, I would suggest putting a link to this under the "Solo" section on the website as well. I think a lot of the newer people that may be interested in the Trackcross, may not be aware to look in this section. My 2 cents. Thanks, CC
        Chris Chatta
        '07 Mazda MX-5, Sunlight Silver
        STR 66


        • #5
          Good idea Chris. We need to mailbomb the autocross people through MSR also.
          Rod H
          Bringing a knife to a gun fight.


          • #6
            By the way, here are the published SCCA TNiA and Track Event eligibility rules regarding convertibles:

            It is highly recommended that all convertible vehicles be equipped with an aftermarket roll bar that meets or exceeds the standards set in the SCCA HILL CLIMB Safety Standards. However, TRACK EVENT Safety Standards requires the vehicle meets at least one of the following criteria and is not subject to any of the below exceptions:
            • The vehicle is equipped with an aftermarket roll bar that meets or exceeds the standards set in the SCCA HILL CLIMB Safety Standards.
            • The vehicle is equipped with documented factory installed roll over protection (examples of manufacture documented roll over protection would include hydroformed and reinforced a-pillars or windshield frames and factory installed roll bars and/or "pop-up" bars that are designated as roll over protection.
            • The Vehicle is a 2006-year model or newer.

            Convertible Exceptions
            In addition, vehicles that were manufactured since 2006 that fall into any of the below categories must meet the criteria stated above for factory or aftermarket roll over protection:
            • Vehicles equipped with factory V8 or forced induction engine
            • Vehicles modified meaningfully beyond the factory performance potential (examples: engine swaps, aftermarket forced induction)

            Note: Targa and T-Top vehicles are classified as "hard tops" and do not have to meet the terms and conditions of the convertible policy."

            They also have this in a flowchart form.

            So my take is "factory documented" means all s2ks are good thanks to the documentation Mark shared. 2006 and newer will catch all NC & ND Miatas. As has been the norm forever, all NA & NB Miatas must have at least a 4 point roll bar
            Rod H
            Bringing a knife to a gun fight.


            • #7
              Do all 4 point 90-05 miata roll bars meet SCCA standard. I thought I read somewhere that some did not? But would it be safe to assume the most common track dog hardcore and sport models with double diagonals would pass?
              Last edited by Nolimits; 09-24-2018, 09:45 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Nolimits View Post
                Do all 4 point 90-05 miata roll bars meet SCCA standard. I thought I read somewhere that some did not? But would it be safe to assume the most common track dog hardcore and sport models with double diagonals would pass?

                Not all bars are approved. Best to check the specific bar in your car. Hard Dog's site provides info regarding SCCA & NASA approvals for individual models.
                2001 Green Miata
                2007 Black Miata
                29 XSB
                I part out Miatas @


                • #9
                  Hard Dog HardCore bars do meet the SCCA TT Requirements. Standard Sport bars by themselves do not.

                  Hard Dog ads used to say that their bars were approved by SCCA. They no longer do that since SCCA does not approve a specific manufacturer's bars. Now the ads give the manufacturer's opinion that they are legal for SCCA TT.

                  Read the latest TTR for Hill Climbs to see the roll bar requirements. Form your own opinion. If in doubt get hold of an SCCA Scrutineer like Rich Crowell or Mark Rothermel.
                  Craig Farr
                  Stohr WF1 P2


                  • #10
                    I hate to keep this off topic but have a couple more question to clarify the Time Trial rules. Is a roll bar sufficient for them as well or are side bars or a cage required? Also, are factory seat belts sufficient? I think in the past I was confused trying to read through the GCR.


                    • #11
                      A four point bar is minimum for TT. Factory belts are fine for Track events and Trackcross.
                      I'm not sure about the need for harnesses since the state of Time Trials is in flux. The SEDIV TT rules would require harnesses with all the fixin's while the new National rules probably don't. I haven't read those rules all the way through since they seem to change on a daily basis.
                      John W8
                      CSP 10 Yellow Miata


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Nolimits View Post
                        I think in the past I was confused trying to read through the GCR.
                        I agree on reading the GCR. SCCA has so many rules. Safety requirements are a good rule set to follow though.
                        John W8
                        CSP 10 Yellow Miata


                        • #13
                          The October Time Trial option still requires the safety equipment as set out in the SeDiv TT rules. The lowest level of prep is Street Prepared and it requires a four-point bar, harness, fire extinguisher and passing a log book inspection. Additionally TT drivers must have a drivers suit, gloves, socks, shoes, SA-rated helmet.
                          Rod H
                          Bringing a knife to a gun fight.


                          • #14
                            Agree that the new proliferation of rules can be confusing. I thought the TTAC did a great job of simplifying the TTR for 2013. The new rules undid that effort even though it was the BoD who wanted the simplification.

                            The simple answer is to READ the TGPR event Supps. They will tell you what rules for car and personal safety equipment are applicable for the event. In this case, the fall TGPR has a Track Event (i.e., PDX), a Track Cross (new), and a Restricted TT (i.e., Level 3 TT). There are different minimum safety rules for each.

                            If you are reading the draft 2019 TTR, great. The DRAFT 2019 TTR does not apply in 2018.

                            If you are reading the Supps for the National TT event at NCM, great. Those Supps do not apply to the Fall TT/PDX/TrackCross at TGPR.

                            If you need a set of the current SEDIV TT Rules, email me and I will send you a set. farrout48 <at>
                            Craig Farr
                            Stohr WF1 P2


                            • #15
                              We specifically need help with Registration (Friday evening and/or Saturday morning) and Tech for the TrackEvent/TrackCross. TE/TC tech is similar to what is done at an autocross so it would be great if one or more experienced autocross Techs can help!

                              We could also use a few folks who want to help the TrackCross by working the course. Reminder: the TrackCross is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, roughly noon-5pm.
                              Rod H
                              Bringing a knife to a gun fight.

