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Louisiana Rallycross Results and some vids

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  • Louisiana Rallycross Results and some vids

    Hey guys, since ya'll helped me get my program started wanted to share how my event went. Only had 13 racers show up, but it was a good class of racers, including a National Champion in stage rally showed up to run. Any way heres the results and a vid from a one of the racers of the course I just put together on the fly the day before.

    Link to vid ->
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  • #2
    Hey Damon that location looks nice. Nice flat area. Looks like a Charles course with not so many cones. That wall of cones at the finish looks like a bitch. Seemed fast & fun! Hopefully I can get down there this year.


    • #3
      Originally posted by edtype1 View Post
      Hey Damon that location looks nice. Nice flat area. Looks like a Charles course with not so many cones. That wall of cones at the finish looks like a bitch. Seemed fast & fun! Hopefully I can get down there this year.
      Lol yeah the cone wall at the finish was persuasion for people to slow down after there run.

      Im working on getting a date in mid june for the next event, ill let ya'll know what goes when everything is set up.

