Still have several spot available if anyone was interested. All makes and models welcome. Hosted by Georgia Regional Mustang Club at Talladega Gran Prix Race Track. Offers the opportunity to run your car on a real roadcourse. Street cars are fine. Beginners are welcome and encouraged. Limited instructon available. Experience the thrill of driving your car on a closed circuit race track with the Georgia Regional Mustang club. 35 Spots limited, Reservation is required.
Event hours are 8am to 5pm with check-in running 7am to 8am.
Registration fee is $150 before May 29 for the full day which includes about 2 hours of track time. A great value at $150.00 per car plus a $5.00 gate fee for drivers and spectators. Everybody (drivers, spectators, and crew) that enters the track will be asked to pay $5 for the track. Spots fill up fast so don't delay. Half day spots are available for those who don't want to run all day. Worker spots are also available $50.00 plus a half day waving a flag earns you the other half free!
Check out Talladega gran Prix at Talladega Gran Prix Raceway - Race Track Leasing and Racing School for more info on the track. GARMC.NET and look under events for sign up sheets. Any questions contact John Rehder at 4o4-9l5-6163 or email